View Profile weener-dog388

6 Movie Reviews

3 w/ Responses

well.. god luck anywayz

i wasnt ever really the bigest fan of the star tsyndicate.. i didtn hate them or like them in genreral but some of there stuff was cuul. i guesds if this movie is helping everyone colm down and f33l better about the ss leaving, then i'll help this sumbision.

great moviey anyways, baddjger

pretty good

funny idea, i just don't no why wikipedia is so evil.

OXXOI77777 responds:

Because it is smarter than you.
(when I say "you" I mean "you" in general)

Hydrocarbons at its best!!!

Orange brief u have done it again. Your risk perception and management are above all of the standards that eye have set. I insist you let me, take you under my wing and I will show you how to make the most amazing flash movies ever! This clockday collab is the first step with you becoming a great flash animator like me, but with a little patience, you CAN DO ANYTHING SET YOUR MIND TOO!!!

Orangebeef responds:


some say the emptiest vessels make the most noise

dost thou request a merit, he hath be, but a breath in the wind. Who can be wise, temperate and furious and nieither a mistress of your charms. Have you not a reason? Beldom is your rightful title and at the pit of Acheron, where you are the contriver of a distressful craft, only the souls of HELL may be accostomed.

Fat badger's movies suck

This movie was completly pointless like all of your other gay movies. The badger thing that doesn't stop fucking shaking is really annoying and so is that poorly drawn anime fag. You are a pathetic human who should go back to the confines of the shadow realm from whent you came from. The sun should set and never look down upon your face again for you do not deserve to have light shine on your face because you after justice is served, you will spend the rest of eternity living in a cave on the planet of the apes.

FatBadger responds:

that was Earth all along!

omg that was too good to be true

that was so hawt and sexy, i shit. plz make more 10/10 that was the shit

Greed drowns, cosumes us, spills itself on us so we are soaked in it. And we never dry up.

Age 31, Male

unemployed retard

home schooled

a tree in the woods

Joined on 3/12/06

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